Ambassadors of Conscious Capitalism
October 27 2016, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at MAC6
The Conscious Capitalism Arizona (CCAZ) Ambassador Program helps Members of the CCAZ Community bring the ideas of Conscious Capitalism to Business and Education, clubs and Associations. You provide the skills, knowledge and life experience; we will provide the tools and training to help you bring Conscious Capitalism to your community.
For the past several months, we have been training CCAZ members to become Ambassadors of Conscious Capitalism. 8 dedicated member volunteers have worked diligently with their Mentors to learn how to engage audiences of various sizes, backgrounds, surroundings, etc., using our core Conscious Capitalism Pitch Deck. Join us as we celebrate the culmination of their Ambassador training with a few final peer presentations before our volunteer members step out into the community as official CCAZ Ambassadors.
Please REGISTER HERE to join us.
After the October meeting (which you may notice is taking place on the FOURTH THURSDAY instead of the third this month due to the Conscious Capitalism Inc CEO Summit) CCAZ will take a brief hiatus through the holiday months. Our Third Thursday meetings will resume in January. Watch for details and dates for the next Ambassador program to be announced during the holidays.