Conscious Business Summary Audit

How do you measure your conscious business journey? How do you know where to focus your energy and resources?

The Conscious Business Summary Audit is the tool developed by Raj Sisodia for this very purpose: to help conscious business leaders focus their energies and measure the progress of their organizations in their conscious business journey. Use the links to the left to download the various versions of the audit for your own personal use.

First published in the Conscious Capitalism Field Guide, the authors created a self-assessment called the "Conscious Business Summary Audit." This Audit enables you to score yourself or your business on some very specific principles within each of the four tenets. 

How To Use the Conscious Business Summary Audit: the CCAZ Activation Series

For members and friends of Conscious Capitalism Arizona, we offer a series of live webinars to help business leaders understand the specific line items of the Conscious Business Summary Audit and how to apply them in their businesses. Upcoming dates and times for these Activation Series events can be viewed on our Upcoming Events page.

Download the Conscious Business Summary Audit to Measure Your Journey and Focus Your Energy.

The Conscious Business Summary Audit includes the following line items:


  1. Our organization fulfills deep-seated needs of our customers, not just their wants or desires.
  2. Our customers would be genuinely distraught if we ceased to exist.
  3. Our investments and R&D priorities reflect a higher purpose beyond profits.
  4. We have a clear vision of how the world would look if we fulfill our purpose.
  5. Our employees find intrinsic satisfaction in their work that goes beyond the salary that they earn. The best ones would leave if we ceased being true to our purpose.


  1. For all major strategic decisions, we explicitly consider the short-term and long-term impacts on each of our key stakeholders: customers, employees, suppliers, investors & communities.
  2. We use metrics to track the well-being of each of our stakeholders, and these are monitored at the highest levels within the company.
  3. We routinely engage stakeholders in dialog and give them a voice in the company’s direction.
  4. We recognize the interdependencies that exist between our stakeholders, and we explicitly seek solutions to issues that satisfy multiple stakeholders simultaneously. At the very least, we ensure that no stakeholder is harmed so that another may gain.
  5. Our company’s relationships with all our stakeholders are characterized by frequent communication and high degrees of mutual trust and goodwill.


  1. Our leaders are deeply self-aware individuals who are in their roles because they passionately believe in the purpose of our organization and in service to our people.
  2. Our leaders are intuitive systems thinkers and systems feelers. They not only think in systems terms, they also feel the connectedness and interdependence that exists across stakeholders
  3. In our company, power and virtue go together. In other words, we consciously seek to promote individuals with the greatest integrity and capacity for caring and compassion.
  4. Most senior positions in our company are filled by promotions from within.
  5. In our company, accountability between employees and managers runs both ways; employees are accountable for their performance, and managers are accountable to ensure that employees have what they need to perform at a high level.


  1. Our company's culture has a high degree of trust and transparency internally and externally. There is high trust amongst employees, between employees and management and between the company and its external stakeholders.
  2. In our culture, we say what we mean and we mean what we say. There is no sugar coating of tough reality, and there is a high level of commitment to truth and integrity in all matters.
  3. We operate within a culture of genuine caring and compassion for all stakeholders. When times get tough, our company exhibits an even higher level of caring and compassion than in prosperous times. There is a real sense of altruism in our culture – people do things for others with no expectation of a return, reward or recognition.
  4. Our people and our organization are continually evolving to higher states of capability and consciousness.
  5. Employees in our company are empowered to do the right thing at all times. We use self-managing, self-motivated and self-directed teams to accomplish our work.

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