How To Present Conscious Capitalism To a Business: 10 Tips

by | Sep 24, 2020 | Uncategorized

How to Present Conscious Capitalism to a Business 10 Tips

Before introducing any major change within an organization, it is important to think through exactly how to best present it. That is because you will be faced with a number of questions and oftentimes, skepticism. When presenting the idea of Conscious Capitalism, you should be prepared to not only explain the concept, but also how it can be implemented and what benefits it offers that the current model does not.

To help you craft the perfect pitch, we asked 10 business leaders how to best present Conscious Capitalism to an organization. Keep reading to learn how to ensure your proposal isn’t just welcomed, but implemented as well!

Understand Your Company’s Current Atmosphere

Before presenting the idea of Conscious Capitalism to your executive team, you need to understand your company’s current purpose, style of leadership and culture. Is the focus on profit only? Does the leadership emphasize “I” instead of “we?” What are the values and principles of the company? Do they foster a social and moral base in all areas of the business?

Joanne M Elsen, CPA PC

Read and Gift The Conscious Capitalism Book

Executives love to read books. If you’re looking to present the idea of Conscious Capitalism, first read and then gift the Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business book by John Mackey and Rajendra Sisodia. The book will help establish you as the internal expert on Conscious Capitalism, and will help plant the seed for a pitch to your executive.

Brett Farmiloe, Markitors

Present a Plan That Provides Conscious Capitalism Goals

Conscious Capitalism is the philosophy that a business can elevate humanity while still being profitable and adding value to the economy. When presenting the concept of Conscious Capitalism to businesses, explain to business owners that it is possible for their business to make money while still doing good in the world, and then help them come up with a plan of how to accomplish both of those goals.

Pete Newstrom, Arrowlift

Invest in Small businesses

When I think of Conscious Capitalism, I think of using our business model to operate ethically while we pursue profits. We do this by investing in small businesses and entrepreneurs because they make up the lifeblood of the economy. When we invest in them to be successful, we’re investing in the communities and the people they serve.

Kimberly Kriewald, AVANA Capital

Highlight the Benefit of Community

The Conscious Capitalism movement has gained popularity by a plethora of large and small companies that seek to elevate humanity through their business. When presenting this concept to a business, speak to the sense of community it allows that business to be part of! Tapping into a network of leaders that share the ideology of using their company to create multifaceted wellbeing is a great network to be involved with.

Carey Wilbur, Charter Capital

Come Equipped With the Practical Benefits

For those looking to present the idea of Conscious Capitalism to their executive team, we would recommend coming equipped with information on the practical benefits, from a business perspective, of adopting this philosophy. While Conscious Capitalism has innumerable social benefits and is, in our view, the way of the future, the unfortunate reality is that many old school executive teams are still focused on delivering for a narrow group of corporate stakeholders. However, if you can show that adopting a broader perspective can actually help the business grow by appealing to the new consumer, those more accustomed to the old way of doing business are more likely to be inclined to seriously consider Conscious Capitalism.

Jessica Rose, Copper H2O

Emphasize the Return on Investment

When presenting Conscious Capitalism to the executives, lead with the benefits. Have graphs, data and statistics that prove conscious capitalism will be advantageous to the company. While you might be more excited about the various causes and believe everyone should care, executives will care more about the return on investments. Focus on that and you are likely to get a positive response.

Reuben Yonatan, GetVoIP

Check In With the Vision of the Company

To appeal to the executive team’s ideals you should address their vision for the company. A tenet of Conscious Capitalism is to have a higher purpose, but if a company’s sole purpose is to “generate dividends for shareholders,” it hasn’t evolved. Meaning it will forever remain a dinosaur (and we all know what happened to them). Embracing a more modern vision, such as inspiring or energizing customers, appeals to a vast number of stakeholders. As long as your company remains relevant, you won’t go extinct.

Grey Idol, Payroll Funding

Align Your Pitch With the Company’s Current Priorities

The most important thing to consider before presenting Conscious Capitalism to their executive team is how you can align your pitch with their current goals and priorities. Even though the principles of Conscious Capitalism may seem apparent to you, it can be like a foreign language to some. That’s why connecting the principles with what the executive team is already thinking about is so important.

Additionally, you should make a case for how adopting these principles won’t affect — but will only amplify — the current strategic plan. Conscious Capitalism principles, when applied correctly, should amplify the company’s impact, vision, and mission. Although it might seem like a lot of work initially, the VOI (value-on-investment) will be clear.

Timothy Frie, Clove Health

Get the Executive Team Involved

I’d ask each leader to understand the core tenets of who they are. Through understanding their core values, life’s mission, short and long-term goals, and what makes them professionally unique, they’re more likely to be open to ideas they’re unaccustomed to. With this deeper level of awareness, they can feel safe to entertain new ideas and deploy different daily habits. Do the actions you take day to day cast a vote for the person you desire to be? If yes, good for you. You’re a part of the minority who are willing to complete the focused work to align your life’s mission with the organization’s mission. Habits that depict your desire to design a world where people and businesses operate with a higher sense of purpose, adopt a stakeholder (not shareholder) orientation, use visionary leadership and operate using Conscious Capitalism principles.

Michael Seaver, Executive Leadership Coach

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People + Profit Show from Conscious Capitalism Arizona
People + Profit Show from Conscious Capitalism Arizona
Sarah McCraren and Jeremy Neis

Free enterprise capitalism has served to lift more people out of poverty than any other socio-economic system ever conceived, empowering social cooperation, human progress, and elevating humanity. Good business is the answer to many of the global issues humankind is facing and that is what will dive into on this show as we interview business and community leaders from around the state of Arizona who are building businesses that really take care of people AND the bottom line.

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